
In 2009, CD&A legally structured the project known as "21 Megaobras" in the city of Cali, which allowed investment in infrastructure for nearly six hundred thousand million pesos in Phase I.

On the other hand, the firm has been legally accompanying one of the most interesting public-private partnership (PPP) initiatives for Bogotá, which is in the feasibility evaluation stage and consists of the construction of two (2) Modal Integration Complexes -CIM, which will allow a reorganization and integration between urban transport, in all its modes and inter-municipal transport, of short, medium and long distances.

In addition, the firm has been advancing the legal component of the auditings to Accesos Norte de Bogotá, Ruta del Sol Section III, Antioquia-Bolívar Road Concession and Cesar-Guajira road Concession.

Finally, our CD&A provided legal advice to the bidder for the Project MAR 2, a project of 1.2 billion pesos awarded by the ANI.​


Cra. 7ª # 127 - 48 Office 606
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia

(+57) 305 422 3430
(+57 1) 805 0990 – 805 1232


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